Juvederm For Younger Wrinkle Free Skin

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Juvederm For Younger Wrinkle Free Skin

The aging process begins the day we are born and becomes most noticeable in our late 20’s due to the rapid depletion of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and fat. Specifically, hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring sugar in our body, is the single most important component for maintaining volume, elasticity, and hydration in our skin.

The loss of hyaluronic acid combined with exposure to the sun, the natural aging process, and hormonal changes causes the skin to lose its youthful appearance. Wrinkles form, the definition is lost, and the natural shape of the face can change.

The Options – Laser Rejuvenation, BOTOX, And Dermal Fillers

At YourDerm.ca Laser and Esthetics, we offer a number of procedures to help reverse the aging process of the skin including laser treatments such as the Profound Non-Surgical Facelift, injectable treatments such as BOTOX Cosmetic, and dermal filler treatments like Juvederm.

Patients often confuse BOTOX with Juvederm, and although each procedure can complement the other, they work in vastly different ways and are used for many different purposes.

BOTOX treatments entail the injection of a protein called Botulinum which inhibits the nerves from sending signals to the facial muscles – the muscles which are responsible for the facial contractions leading to wrinkles. BOTOX is typically applied in mild to moderate cases and is used as a means to diminish the appearance of wrinkles.

Juvederm is categorized as a dermal filler and involves the injection of Hyaluronic Acid into various areas of the face showing signs of moderate to severe wrinkles and folds. It has been highly effective in adding volume to the cheeks, plumping up the lips, and smoothing out lines and wrinkles.

Although BOTOX Cosmetic and Juvederm are distinctly different, we have found that the compounds in the Juvederm gel can complement the benefits of Botox treatments. A treatment plan involving both procedures will be discussed in your initial complimentary consultation prior to undertaking the treatment.

What’s Involved In The Juvederm Procedure?

The Juvederm procedure is performed in the comfort of the YourDerm.ca laser and Esthetics clinics and administered by one of our Doctors, or a Medically trained Juvederm Specialist.

Some of the Juvederm gels are formulated with Lidocaine, a safe anesthetic used to numb areas where minor procedures are being performed. In other cases, a numbing cream may be applied to reduce potential discomfort during the treatment. After the area is numbed, small needles are used to inject the Juvederm compound beneath the skin.

Depending on the size of the severity of the wrinkles and the size of the facial area being treated, the procedure is generally completed within 30 – 60 minutes.

After the treatment, patients will experience some redness, tenderness, and swelling which will generally subside within a few days. Normal activities can be resumed immediately after leaving the clinic, and make-up can be safely applied. As with most of the procedures we administer, we recommend refraining from heavy lifting or other strenuous activities for a few days.

The Juvederm Collection Of Dermal Fillers

The face is a complex region of the body, comprised of different skin sensitivities and unique structures below the surface. As a result, Juvederm has formulated a variety of different Hyaluronic Acid-based gels, customized for each type of treatment depending on what, and where it is being performed on the face. The main difference between each formulation is the thickness of the gel.

Following is a description of each Juvederm product:

      Juvederm Vollure XC

Juvederm Vollure XC is designed to address moderate to severe wrinkles and lines which develop around the mouth and nose – commonly referred to as parentheses lines. Results have been clinically proven to last approximately 18 months.

      Juvederm Voluma XC

 Juvederm Voluma XC is meant to target cheeks that have flattened out or are sagging due to a loss of collagen or hyaluronic acid. Volume is immediately restored as the Juvederm compound lifts and contours the cheek. Juvederm Voluma XC delivers a healthy youthful appearance for up to 2 years.

      Juvederm Vobella XC

Juvederm Vobella XC is specially formulated to plump up the lips and smooth the area around the mouth. Lip augmentation is used to treat perioral lines, which are referred to as lipstick lines. Juvederm Vobella XC treatments in and around the lips and mouth last up to 1 year.

Juvederm XC

 Juvederm XC is formulated to treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles, folds, and lines, on the forehead, and around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Juvederm XC delivers a smoother skin surface by adding volume below the surface. Results will typically last up to 1 year. 

 Juvederm Ultra XC

Juvederm Ultra XC is the specially formulated Juvederm gel designed to deliver fullness and plumpness to people whose lips have thinned over time, or just want larger, luscious lips. A typical treatment will last up to 1 year.

Recap of Treatable Areas

Juvederm Dermal Filler treatments can be used on most facial areas including:

  • Smile or Laugh Line known as nasolabial folds
  • Lines from the corners of the mouth to the chin called Marionette lines
  • Forehead Lines referred to as Frown Lines
  • Flattened or sagging cheeks
  • Sculpting the chin and jawline
  • Smoothing the lines around the lips
  • Plumping up the lips to look fuller

Juvederm is the #1 selling collection of dermal fillers in the World and has helped millions of people regain self-confidence, self-esteem, with a healthy youthful look.

You Are In Good Hands At YourDerm.ca

 At YourDerm.ca Laser and Esthetics, every patient seeking a Juvederm treatment undergoes a thorough complimentary consultation.

A Doctor or medically trained Juvederm Specialist will discuss your motivation, expectations, and clearly explain the procedure. At the end of the consultation, you will be provided with the most appropriate plan to help you achieve your esthetic goals.

Book your Complimentary Consultation today by calling us directly by clicking the button below.

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