Email Copywriting

 Email Copywriting

 Email Copywriting


Email Marketing is the most powerful and cost-effective method of generating new leads and staying in touch with existing customers. We are experts in writing emails that maximize open rate and drive the customers to take action by clicking a link to a sales page, blog post, or order form.

Some companies report that as much as 70% of their income can be attributed to email marketing, delivering an ROI that far surpasses that of other marketing methods such as social media, direct mail, and banner advertising.

Email marketing is viewed by some as being a thing of the past, however, it still remains the primary method of converting prospects into customers. In fact, recent statistics show that 206 billion emails are sent every day, and surprisingly, 60% of those recipients actually enjoy receiving promotional emails. In addition, approximately 90% of smartphone users check emails numerous times a day, and a great percentage of those would like to see more.

Power Of The Autoresponder
The key to an effective email marketing strategy lies in the use of an autoresponder, an automated method of delivering a series of pre-written emails to the inbox of customers. Most autoresponders will accommodate weeks, months, and even years’ worth of pre-written emails to be loaded into their systems, and set to be delivered at pre-determined times and intervals. Truly a set-and-forget approach.

This allows you to regularly stay in touch with your customer base without lifting a finger. Further, as the list grows, manual emails called broadcast emails can be sent at any time advising the customer base of announcements, time-sensitive offers, limited-time promotions, special events, and more.

Must Build Relationships
Like other forms of marketing, the effectiveness of email marketing is based on developing a relationship with the customer. It is critical to find the balance of sales copy versus and useful informative information. As we’ve said before, customers like to buy, but they don’t like to be sold. Get this right and sales will skyrocket. Get it wrong and the list will dwindle.

We understand how to interpret data and find that balance. It may entail changing the frequency of mailings, increasing or decreasing the number of sales-oriented emails, or changing the content entirely.

Email marketing can be used for a number of purposes, some of which include:

  • Cultivating of new prospects
  • Staying in touch with current customer
  • Promoting brand
  • Introducing new products and services
  • Promoting special offers
  • Positioning your company as an authority
  • Lead generation

Let’s have chat…We would love to review your email marketing efforts and implement a strategy to improve your relationship with your customer base and impact your online sales.


(403) 816-5828